: : for mac (snow leopard) : :
Adding a keyboard shortcut to a menu item is a simple task thanks to Apple's Keyboard preference pane. These instructions are for OS X 10.6.x (Snow Leopard), but the process is the same for earlier versions of OS X, with just a few minor differences in names.
- Launch System Preferences by clicking the System Preferences icon in the Dock, or selecting System Preferences from the Apple menu.
- Select the Keyboard preference pane (Leopard and Snow Leopard), or the Keyboard & Mouse preference pane (Tiger and earlier).
- In the preference pane's window, click the Keyboard Shortcuts tab.
- Click the plus (+) button near the bottom center of the window.
- Use the dropdown menu to choose an application you want to add a keyboard shortcut to. For this example, I'll add a new keyboard shortcut to the Finder.
- In the Menu Title field, type in the exact menu name as it appears in the application. I'm going to add a keyboard shortcut to the Finder for the New Burn Folder, so I'll type New Burn Folder.
- Click once in the Keyboard Shortcut field to highlight it.
- Add the keyboard shortcut you wish to use by typing it. I'm going to use control + shift + b (that's the control key, plus the shift key, plus the letter b key).
- Click the Add button.
- Close the preference pane.