26 October 2007

merging duplicate contacts

: : for salesforce : :

  1. Login to your salesforce.com account
  2. Search for contact name
  3. Update Account Name on all contact records so they are matching (if required)
  4. Click on Account Name to view Account Detail
  5. Under the Contacts list, click on Merge Contacts
  6. Type the contact name in the search field then click on Find Contacts
  7. Ensure all duplicate contacts are ticked, then click on Next
  8. Select the values that you want to retain in the merged record by clicking on the appropriate radio buttons

    Fields with conflicting data will be highlighted purple

    CAUTION - If conflicting data is stored for a multi-pick list:
    - Click on the radio button of the FIRST record to select it
    - Write down the data in the OTHER record on a piece of paper
    - After the merge you will need to manually update that field
    in the contact record with the additional data

  9. Click on Merge
  10. You will be prompted with the following message:

    "These records will be merged into one record using the selected values. Merging cannot be undone. Proceed with the record merge?"

  11. Click OK to be returned to the Account Detail screen
  12. Click on Contact Name listed as the second item under Recent Items to view the new merged record
  13. Click on Edit to update any multi-pick lists if required, then click on Save

25 October 2007

install a custom invoice form

: : for myob accounting v16 : :

installing your invoice form
  1. If MYOB is running, please exit the program
  2. Save the formname.FRM file to the C:\myob16\Forms folder on your computer
  3. Open MYOB
  4. From the Sales command centre click on Print/Email Invoices
  5. Click on Advanced Filters
  6. Ensure Sale Type matches the type of Invoice Form you are installing, ie, if it is a Service Form, then select Service
  7. In the Selected Form for Sale field, select formname from the drop down box, then click on Use Form to return to the Advanced Filters dialog box
  8. Click on OK to return to the Review Sales Before Delivery dialog box then click on Cancel to return to the Sales Command Centre
  9. Your new Invoice Form is now set as your default form.
using your invoice form
  1. When raising an Invoice, ensure you select the relevant layout, ie, Service, by clicking on Layout
  2. Select relevant layout, ie, Service, from the Select Layout dialog box then click OK
  3. You should now see formname as the default option when you click on the Print button at the bottom of the Sales - New dialog box

Download PDF version of these instructions

install a font

: : for Windows XP : :

  1. Save the font file (.ttf) to your C:\Windows\Fonts folder
  2. Open the C:\Windows\Fonts folder (to do this: double-click the My Documents icon on your desktop, then type C:\Windows\Fonts in the Address bar, then press Enter)
  3. By viewing the contents of the Fonts folder you complete the installation process
  4. Close the Fonts folder

: : for Windows Vista : :

  1. Open Fonts by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, and then clicking Fonts.
  2. Click File, and then click Install New Font. If you don’t see the File menu, press ALT.
  3. In the Add Fonts dialog box, under Drives, click the drive where the font that you want to install is located.
  4. Under Folders, double-click the folder containing the fonts that you want to add.
  5. Under List of fonts, click the font that you want to add, and then click Install.

: : for Mac : :

  1. Save font files anywhere on your mac
  2. Open the files from Finder (this will open the font in Font Book)
  3. Click on Install